How to Keep Your Smile in Tip-Top Shape After Orthodontic Treatment

When you complete orthodontic treatment in Kennesaw, Georgia, you need to make sure to keep your smile in tip-top shape. If you don’t, there is a chance you could suffer severe consequences, which could make your treatment a complete waste of time. You don’t want that, do you? No. So, please keep your smile in top-notch condition after your orthodontic treatment. To help you do so, Dr. Brenna Christensen and our orthodontic team have some tips for you.
Tip No. 1: Wear your retainer – Unfortunately, there is still tension in your periodontal ligaments after you remove your braces. This tempts your teeth to move out of place, which is why Dr. Brenna Christensen gives you a retainer and encourages you to wear it regularly. So, make sure to follow the instructions and you will be able to keep your smile straight and beautiful.
Tip No. 2: Keep up on oral hygiene – As you may already know, it’s extremely important to brush every morning and every night, floss every night, and rinse daily. But, more importantly, you need to schedule a dental cleaning with your dentist after your braces have been removed. It is highly likely that there are crevices and spaces in your mouth that were neglected while you straightened your teeth. If you get a professional dental cleaning, those areas will be cleaned and your smile will be free from the threats of tooth decay, gum disease and other dental issues.
Tip No. 3: Wait to whiten – If you want to brighten your teeth after you’ve removed your braces, it’s best to wait at least a month before taking advantage of any whitening treatment. This is because your teeth need time to strengthen and become less sensitive.
Do you have any questions about how to take care of your smile after braces? If so, don’t be afraid to call West Cobb Orthodontics at (678) 401-4321 at your earliest convenience. The sooner you call us, the sooner our team will be able to give you the answers and information you need to succeed. We look forward to your phone call!