There Are Different Types of Braces Capable of Correcting the Alignment of Your Teeth

Uncorrected deviations in the alignment of your teeth can do more than leave you with an unattractive smile. In time the unnatural relationship between multiple teeth can cause chronic conditions like dental attrition, while also increasing your chances of suffering a chipped or fractured tooth. In many of these cases, a professionally trained orthodontist like Dr. Brenna Christensen can help... read more »

How Braces Work

Do you have crooked teeth or a bad bite? Ask Dr. Brenna Christensen about how braces in Kennesaw, Georgia, can help you. Do not think that since you did not have your teeth straightened as a child that it is too late. Braces can help children, teens, and adults alike! Braces are can be made from different materials. Traditional braces... read more »

Choosing the Braces that are Right for You

It’s not uncommon for adolescents to need braces for a short period of time to help adjust their smile and establish a healthy bite pattern for their adult life. In recent years more adults have started wearing braces to help correct alignment issues that have develop due to age or changes in bite alignment. Traditional braces use metal brackets and... read more »